Publishings, signings, book releases, reviews and other news.

Oldema will soon be available on audiobook.

Anna, the islad and the creepy-crawlies
English version now available! Get your copy now!

Signing of "Oldemor forteller"
Seniorakademiet (Senior club) has invited the author for a presentation of the book "Oldemor forteller". This time the event will take place at Sjømanskirken, Gran Canaria. Date is set for November 29, 2023 at 11 A.M. The author will take you on a small musical trip down memory lane. Come and get your book signed!

The long awaited translation of "Oldemor forteller" is now available for order. It is called "Oldema", and you will find it in our shop section. Please note that if you are ordering to England, you need to select "Storbritania" (Great Britain) in the shipping menu. If you are having trouble, or your country is not available for shipping, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Signing of "Oldemor forteller"
Norwegian People's Aid has invited the author back for another presenation of the book "Oldemor forteller". Same place as last time; Pålestunet (Nursing Home, Retirement & Assisted Living Facility). Date is set for October 14, 2023. Come and get your book signed!

Review in Romerikes Blad
(local newspaper)
Local news interwieved both author, Karen Anna Børresen, and main character of the book "Oldemor forteller", Trudi Skrukli, before the book launch event. Article in norwegian here.
Book launch event
The book "Oldemor forteller" will be released on a book launch event at Pålsetunet 11 am, August 26, 2023. This is a collaberation with Norwegian People's Aid.

Book launch event, looking back
The event was both intimate and atmospheric. Great-grandmother "Oldemor", great-granchildren, neighbours, family and the people from Pålsetunet was present. There was singing, food and good company, about 30 people in total.
Photo: Thorbjørn Nilsen
Soon: "Anna, øya og småkrypene"
You are taken on an adventure to different places on the island Gran Canaria accompanied by a fun girl named Anna. She is fascinated by bugs and soon you'll know more about both them and the island, than you did before.
Norwegian release first, english version is planned for later.